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Graduate Student Professional Development: Job Visits and Job Talks

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"Information Architect" © BUSINESSTOWN 2014–2015 

"Information Architect" © BUSINESSTOWN 2014–2015 

As I prepared my short remarks for faculty panel on professional development for the Organizational Communication and Technology area (Team OCT) graduate students, I was inspired by the wonderful artwork of Tony Ruth (@lunchbreath). My topic was the job visit and job talk.

I shared these principles: 

  1. Demonstrate you can do the job
  2. Ask questions
  3. Be yourself
  4. Remember that interviewing is embodied
  5. Inform your support networks

Really though, I pointed them to the work of wiser folks than me including Dr. Edward Schiappa’s helpful book, and this handout of questions that I received from the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I mentioned too that ethnographic fieldwork provides a helpful model, and pointed folks to my piece with Rebecca Gill and Marleah Dean on practical advice for shadowing.