Remembering, Regulating, and Resilience
Remembering, Regulating, and Resilience: Investigating the Communicative Accomplishment of Safety and Reliability Organizing
A Preconference of the 2016 meetings of the International Communication Association in Fukuoka, Japan
Preconference Participants Only Page
Safety and the organizational systems that constitute it are increasingly at the center of important public discussions. The regulation of complex industrial systems such as nuclear power plants, organizational responses to crisis including active shooter incidents, environmental protection and resource management in oil and gas exploration, safety and error in healthcare organizations offer just a few relevant examples. Communication scholarship is distinctively well-poised to contribute to our understanding of the organizational systems implicated in such settings. This preconference will bring together communication scholars interested in the communicative accomplishment of safety, reliability, and resilience. Highly interactive sessions will integrate rich presentations from scholars in these domains and dialogue among participants. The conference will culminate in a research agenda that underscores the power of communication to promote and protect the health and resilience of individuals and organizations.
The format of the preconference will consist of (1) Speed sharing – one minute presentation of research interests followed by a rapid mixer among participants, (2) Scholarship exemplars – deep dives into examples of scholarship in this domain followed by facilitated dialogues among participants, (3) Interactive poster presentations from participants, and (4) a keynote reflection and mapping future directions session. The preconference will held on June 9th, beginning at 9:00 AM and concluding by 5:00 PM. Confirmed presenters include Drs. Patrice Buzzanell, Timothy Coombs, and Keri Stephens with two more to be added.
Those interested in participating should submit a two-page abstract describing their research and explaining what they hope to contribute to and/or gain from the dialogue among scholars. We very much welcome those already doing work in related areas as well as those interested in potentially conducting scholarship in this area or just looking to learn more. Submissions for the preconference are due February 19, 2016 with final decisions made by February 22.